A list of projects I have been working on or built
Cut the bloat on registering to vote by mail in Virginia by developing a Flask and mySQL web app. Reached 92,000+ Virginian voters, raised $900,000, registered tens of thousands of voters onto the absentee registry, and got testimonials from the Virginia Senate Majority Leader and US CTO.
Vote Absentee Virginia | Flask • SQL • Horatio
smth conflict prediction
Coded AI solvers for games including Sudoku, Othello, and slider puzzles, alongside corresponding board generators.
Harvard Univerity | Python • SQL •
DMV Dozen
Wharton Investment Competition | Python • Qiskit •
Game Bot
Coded AI solvers for games including Sudoku, Othello, and slider puzzles, alongside corresponding board generators.
TJHSST AI | Python • •
A list of projects I have contributed to